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NFK Cares

Our Patient Information Help Line, NKF Cares, offers support for people affected by kidney disease, organ donation or transplantation. It's designed just for patients, family members and care partners. Speak with a trained specialist who will answer your questions and listen to your concerns.

Have questions about kidney disease? We can help!

Call toll-free at 1.855.NKF.CARES (1.855.653.2273)
or email

We speak English and Spanish and are available Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern Time.

NKF Cares en español 

Hable con un profesional calificado que conteste sus preguntas y escuche sus preocupaciones. NKF Cares está disponible lunes a viernes. Llame a nuestro número gratuito 855.NKF.CARES, (855.653.2273) o por correo electrónico a

NKF Cares
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